Celebrating the Positive Reception of Retro JRPG Whispers in the Moss

The retro JRPG Whispers in the Moss has been out for almost a month now, and I want to thank everyone for the warm reception the game has been getting. The reviews and coverage continue to be overwhelmingly positive, so the niche is definitely real—now I just need to locate all the lost sheep. Say "baa" if you're one of them!

The Steam reviews currently boast an incredible 100% recommendation rate, which comes from 16 reviews, 10 of which are from customers. The game has also been reviewed by 24 Steam curators, with 19 of them recommending the game. The 3 informational reviews are also very positive in tone. Another metric that I'm very happy about is the "Units Returned" metric on Steam, which stands at just 0.8%. While the biggest traffic has been on Steam, I also want to thank all the Itch.io customers for supporting the game!

“'Whispers in the Moss' is a stunning tribute to the retros, a modern testament to the timeless allure of vintage gaming, and above all, a clear demonstration that the essence of passion-driven indie gaming is still very much alive and well.”
RPG Gamers

“Whispers in the Moss is a genuine joy to play for a retro enthusiast with a penchant for old-school RPGs. It is both steeping in gaming history and modern enough to be enjoyable without taking a 12-week correspondence course first.”
8.0 – Gaming Respawn

“Then, like in The Matrix, shapes become familiar in the code: crackling fireplaces, wooden bridges across thin streams, crops in sprawling fields, and thick mountain ranges. ... Whispers in the Moss is one of the most unique games I’ve had the pleasure to try in the last twenty years.”
8/9 – Ladies Gamers

In addition, Whispers in the Moss has been covered by many websites, media outlets, and blogs, plus a couple of YouTube/Twitch streamers. Practically all of the coverage has been positive. I've listed some links below, and there are additional reviews currently being worked on.

Meanwhile, I'm working on the 1.1 update. There will be lots of small fixes and some features requested by players.

Thank you again for all your support! Stay tuned for more updates and keep sharing your feedback.

Links to selected Whispers in the Moss content in media, blogs, etc.:

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